Thursday, June 14, 2007

Why I love Michael Moore

Most people either love him or hate him.....

I happen to love him (shhh.......don't tell my husband, but I think he'd understand). Yes, I will admit that there is the "shock jock" part of him and the times when he crosses over the inevitable line (most of which I laugh at, especially when he targets the political party I rarely agree with), but in the end, I truly believe that under all that media coverage, he believes that the average American can read between the lines of sarcasm and exaggeration and get the point that he's trying to make within his movies.

I believe he's trying to get all us to step out of the web we've all woven around us in our daily lives and look at things from a different perspective from our own. I don't believe most people do that.... and I wonder if some even have the capability to step into the dreaded "unknown".

I already have a babysitter lined up for June 29th despite not knowing if the film will even premier in a theater near me...... it's the thought that I want to be there and see the movie that I am glad someone is addressing-- the beloved healthcare iindustry. The land of "where's your insurance card?" and "we'll have to get pre-authorization for that"..... the land where we are all supposed to have access to great healthcare, but I just heard that a woman DIED in the lobby of an ER room waiting to be helped (and, I'll admit to not knowing the full story as of yet, but someone told me people in the ER waiting room were calling 911 to help her EVEN THOUGH they were at the hospital). Is this the care we should all be so thankful for?

I am thankful for the doctors I have currently. I am thankful that I have good insurance where I can choose the doctor I want to see. I am NOT thankful that the government has made it virtually impossible to find a cure for my disease by limiting stem cell research...... I am NOT thankful that I have to choose between family vacation time or another day for laser surgery BECAUSE of a disease that I did not choose to have. I am NOT thankful that my husband and I have to choose employment very carefully to ensure we have the best healthcare available.

I am thankful....... VERY THANKFUL.... that Michael Moore focused his newest documentary on us--- the people who DO have access to this "great" healthcare and can give people a real taste of the beauracracy and red tape that line the doorways of doctor's offices. What happened to the doctor' offices who sat down and asked you how you were feeling BEFORE asking for how you were going to pay for the visit?

1 comment:

Scott S said...

I agree ... I am looking forward to the movie bringing some much-needed public attention to the issue of the uninsured in the U.S., not to mention the limits it places on people in career options because they have to choose a job based on insurance coverage. Even if it doesn't resolve the issue, it will raise public awareness for it, and that is an accomplishment since Congress has done nothing on this issue since 1993.