Friday, June 1, 2007

Juvenile Diabetic for 27+ years

I've recently discovered that living with Type 1 Diabetes isn't all bad. I'm actually lucky when I reflect on my life. When I was first diagnosed at five years old, blood sugar testers did not exist. To test one's sugar, you had to do the old fashioned peeing in a cup and waiting to see what color the pill turned when put into a test tube. I also was injecting insulin from a pig and cow mixture into myself. And, I must admit, I still have my Juvenile Diabetes Foundation shirt with a picture of a pig on it saying "Pigs are Precious"--- they sure are--- they saved my life for at least 10 years!

Doctors opinions and knowledge have also evolved. When younger, a doctor said I probably couldn't/shouldn't have children. This didn't bother me so much because I figured I'd go the route of adoption if I got married.

I now write this as my own biological child is asleep upstairs in his bad, I have just tested my blood sugar within 5 seconds and I'm currently hooked up to my insulin pump....

Life is grand!

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