Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm cool....

in the eyes of my son. So, every morning, he likes to bring one of his toys with him to school to share with his friends (or, in the life of a 3 year old, show it while holding it with a death grip). Trying to explain/teach my son to be gentle with my insulin pump site has always been challenging since he forgets about it easily and he is only three.

So, with my new Omnipod, I've shown him the new pump and said "no more cords to worry about." He was mildly impressed with this fact, but since the actually insertion site is larger than before, he seemed intrigued with that. Well, this morning he saw that I was changing my site. I told him (as I try to remember to do) that the site is now on my left side of my stomach and he nodded his head. He then turned to the table where the old pod was sitting. With a twinkle in his eye, he asked if he could look at it. I told him that was fine and he was so excited--- he put it on his belly and said "I have a pod!" (Secretly, I was thinking "I hope never, big guy!"). Then he stopped and said "only mommies have these, right?" I corrected him that anyone with diabetes could have one and he seemed ok with that. He then went off while I finished things up still holding my old Omnipod. When I went into the living room, he had it inside his secret treasure chest (with other secret things, including shells and rocks he's collected himself) and said "I can't wait to show my friends my secret treasure chest stuff!"

Ok, so I'm not the drop dead gorgeous mom, but for now, he thinks I"m cool!!!

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