Thursday, September 27, 2007


Ok, we probably have the TV on way too much (I use it a ton for background noise and don't even watch) but I LOVE Thursdays and TIVO!! One of my favorite shows is Ugly Betty (whch I'm currently watching over TIVO) with my husband and my cat, Fudge (yes, the diabetic has 2 cats: Candy and Fudge-- we adopted them with those names!!)

So, update on Omnipod. Things still going well, but I do have to admit that I find myself trying to tuck in a non-existant cord in my pants after using the bathroom! Old habits die slowly, I guess. I also have a problem that I never wore a watch before because my pump was already attached to me---- now I don't have one! I can check it with my handheld device.

I did change my pod tonight on my own for the first time and it failed! Crisis!! But, I just didn't have it attached in a good spot for the pod to insert! All was fixed and pumping away without a cord. We took the pod that was on me and opened it up--- there really was this cute circuit board, spring to shoot the tubing in for insulin distribution, and 4 little batteries. Totally cool (and I'm a "tech-tard" as my husband would say).

Ok, time to focus on Ugly Betty!!!

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